wpspowerbox Addon plugin for
WPShapere WordPress Admin Theme

WPSPowerbox is an Addons plugin for the WPShapere plugin that was created to add new features to the WPShapere plugin.

WPSPowerbox addon plugin for WPShapere WordPress Admin Theme

It is a powerful plugin that allows you to easily customise your WordPress admin theme.

When you add WPSPowerbox Addons to your WPShapere plugin, you gain the ability and freedom to go beyond WordPress's limitations.

  • Apply Google Fonts to the Admin Theme.
  • Hide Users from users list, and restrict to only see the ones you want to show.
  • Hide Plugins from plugins list, and restrict to only show the ones you want to show.
  • Redirect users to a URL of your choice after they log in - this can be done for any user role.
  • Add unlimited widgets to WordPress dashboard.
  • Hide unwanted Metaboxes from WordPress posts and pages.


7.0.8 - July 22, 2024

  • Fix: admin users not listed in privilege users in multi-site installation.
  • New: Text color options added for body text and footer text.

7.0.7 - May 29, 2024

  • Fix: Dashboard widgets not listed in widgets to hide option.
  • Fix: PHP errors in the latest version of WordPress.
  • Fix: Few css errors.

7.0.6 - Sep 26, 2023

  • Fix: WPShapere user avatar display issue.

7.0.5 - Sep 14, 2023

  • Hidden WP notice for notification of new style theme.

7.0.4 - Aug 7, 2023

  • Fix: Message box text color option not applied to Plugin's update notices.
  • Improved css for WordPress admin login page.

7.0.3 - May 25, 2023

  • Fix: Logo in Admin bar is not visible when horizontal or vertical postion is not set.

7.0.2 - May 10, 2023

  • Fix: When the admin bar is hidden, cannot to scroll to the bottom of the admin menu.

7.0.1 - May 5, 2023

  • Fix: Visible scrollbar shows on admin menu.

7.0.0 - May 4, 2023

  • Added: Support for WordPress 6.2
  • Added: new design type: Liquido
  • Added: new admin theme: Liquido
  • Added: option to hide adminbar from back end.
  • Fix: improved css for gutenberg header.

6.1.19 - Aug 26, 2022

  • Support for PHP 8.

6.1.18 - Mar 20, 2022

  • New: Custom CSS for non-privilege users.
  • CSS bug fixes and improvements.

6.1.17 - Jan 14, 2022

  • CSS bug fixes.

6.1.16 - Dec 23, 2021

  • Improved css styles.
  • Shortcode execution for admin footer.

6.1.15 - Aug 11, 2021

  • Improved css for admin menu width.

6.1.14 - Aug 06, 2021

  • Fixed: Admin bar menu colors issue in the latest WordPress version.
  • New: Purchase code display in deactivate license page to know which license key is used on the site.

6.1.13 - Jun 25, 2021

  • Google fonts compatibility option for WPSPowerbox addon.

6.1.12 - Jun 11, 2021

  • Fixed: Iconpicker issue with buddy boss plugin iconpicker js.

6.1.11 - Jun 4, 2021

  • Update: Updated Fontawesome icons library to version 5.
  • Fixed: Responsive issues in login page.
  • Improved plugin codings to meet WordPress standards.

6.1.10 - Mar 2, 2021

  • New: Option hide Woocommerce header bar.

6.1.9 - Dec 18, 2020

  • Fixed: Iconpicker icons display error.

6.1.8 - Nov 24, 2020

  • New: Option set username text color under user info.
  • Fixed: User icons alignment when collapsed admin menu.
  • Fixed: Dashboard Metabox background color difference.
  • Some more code improvements.

6.1.7 - Aug 27, 2020

  • Improved code for fetching dashboard widgets list for hiding.

6.1.6 - July 22, 2020

  • Options framework improvements.

6.1.5 - June 11, 2020

  • Replace wp logo in Gutenberg fullscreen editor.
  • CSS improvements.

6.1.4 - May 24, 2020

  • New: Compatibility added for WPSPowerbox upcoming version 2.0.
  • Option - "Hide selected Menu links to specific admin users also has been deprecated".

6.1.3 - May 13, 2020

  • New: New method introduced for admin menu customization.
  • Fixed: WordPress branding still displayed in footer sometimes.
  • Fixed: WordPress logo removed from gutenberg editor full screen mode.
  • Fixed: Gutenberg editor margin issues.
  • Prevented access to admin menu customization to admin users without privilege access to prevent confusion.

6.1.2 - Jan 27, 2020

  • Fixed: Learndash top bar position.

6.1.1 - Jan 16, 2020

  • Fixed: Cannot set new password in Reset password form.

6.1.0 - Jan 09, 2020

  • New: User info - User avatar and profile edit and Logout button on top of the admin menu.
  • New: Option to show admin notices and screen meta links to Privilege Users.
  • Fixed: Add-on plugin menu is hidden when WPSPowerbox plugin is activated.

6.0.2 - Nov 24, 2019

  • Fixed: WordPress login form extra borders due to WordPress new updates.
  • Fixed: Better css support for WordPress Block editor.

6.0.1 - June 16, 2019

  • Fixed: Dash icons not showing on WordPress login form.
  • Fixed: Custom footer text alignment issue.
  • Fixed: Form links text alignment issue.

6.0 - June 06, 2019

  • New: Login theme designs presets manager.
  • New: 3 New Login theme designs added.
  • New: Line Icons addition for admin menus.
  • New: Fresh UI for Acmee Options framework.
  • New: Option for adjusting admin menu padding.
  • New: Option for adjusting admin menu font size.
  • New: Option to add logo for collapsed admin menu.
  • New: Option to hide admin menus, widgets and admin bar items to privilege users also.
  • Fixed: Mime type error for wp login page css.

5.0.8 - March 19, 2019

  • New: Option to hide admin notices from non-admin users and specific admin users.

5.0.7 - December 09, 2018

  • Fixed: CSS positioning for Gutenberg editor header and notices bar due to class name changes in WordPress 5.0.

5.0.6 - October 10, 2018

  • New: Separate color options to set login page button.
  • New: Option to set back to WordPress admin bar original height.
  • Fixed: CSS positioning for Gutenberg editor header and notices bar.

5.0.5 - August 17, 2018

  • New: Option to set Custom welcome text in the admin bar.
  • New: Option to hide admin menu separators.
  • Fixed: Page title and Site title misplaced.
  • Fixed: Import feature not worked.
  • Improved the code for admin bar menu items removal.

5.0.4 - June 22, 2018

  • Fixed: Custom widgets not shown for privilege users.
  • Added an option to show/hide dashboards widgets to privilege users.
  • Few plugin core optimizations for improving speed.

5.0.3 - April 3, 2018

  • Fixed: error notice in custom icon css styles.

5.0.2 - March 30, 2018

  • Fixed: Bug in frontend admin bar css output.

5.0.1 - March 18, 2018

  • Improved: Menu code to override plugins custom icons.

5.0 - March 9, 2018

  • New: Rewritten and improved Manage Admin menu code.
  • New: Option to hide Admin menus by user roles.
  • New: All Hidden Admin menu items, admin bar items and widgets will now be shown to privilege users.
  • New: Option to load Logo and Background images from external url.
  • New: Added option to set Custom page title for Login page.
  • New: Introduced “Neu Excite (Lite)” design concept.

4.9 - July 13, 2017

  • Fixed bug: Conflict with WP-Cli
  • New: Added Color picker options for sub menu items.
  • New: Added option to resize admin bar logo.
  • New: Added option to hide Remember me checkbox on login page.
  • New: Added option to set custom link for admin bar logo.
  • New: Applied responsive styles for Video dashboard widget.

4.8 - December 1, 2016

  • Improved: CSS for admin pages.

4.7 - November 15, 2016

  • Fixed bug: Issues in hiding dashboard widgets created by 3rd party plugins and themes.
  • Fixed bug: Issue in hiding “Customise” menu item under Appearance.

4.6 - October 19, 2016

  • New feature: Hide dashboard widgets not only wordpress default widgets by any widgets by any third part plugins or themes.
  • Fixed bug: Plugin settings translation issues.
  • Fixed bug: Custom widgets Title label missed out.
  • Fixed bug: Conflict with jetpack version 4.2.3

4.5 - September 8, 2016

  • Fixed bug: PHP warning when no privilege users selected.
  • CSS correction for Buttom shadow still exists when Flat design is selected.
  • Fixed bug: Deselect error in multi-checkbox option.

4.4 - July 18, 2016

  • Fixed bug: Conflict with WPShapere live preview js script with wordpress customizer js.
  • Fixed bug: WP Editor buttons in WPShapere options not loaded.
  • Disabled custom javascript on WP login page when "Disable WPShapere styles for login page" option is enabled.

4.3 - May 6, 2016

  • CSS improvements for WordPress version 4.5
  • Fixed bug: Conflict with some plugins preventing WPShapere settings menu not displayed.

4.2 - March 19, 2016

  • Fixed: CSS bug in admin menu with smaller screens.
  • Fixed bug: Privilege users query fetching not working on some installations.

4.1 - March 15, 2016

  • Improved css for mobile versions.
  • Implemented slider option for number in options framework.

4.0 - March 7, 2016

  • New: Set custom width for admin menu on left.
  • Compatibility fix with Jupiter and Divi themes.
  • Fixed bug: Menu items customize and background not hidden.
  • Fixed: No padding for empty items in admin bar menu items.

3.2 - January 27, 2016

  • Compatibility with Wordpress v4.4.x
  • Fixed bug: In css output not printed for some options.

3.1 - January 01, 2016

  • Capability bug fixed in options framework.

3.0 - December 16, 2015

  • New Framework: We implemented our own options framework.
  • New: Method for loading WPS CSS styles.
  • New: Option to disable WPS CSS styles on login page.
  • Fixed: bug in live preview of color changes.
  • Lot of css optimization.

2.1.2 - July 27, 2015

  • Fixed error: Plugin compiled css displaying on frontend
  • Fixed error: Fetching font-awesome css contents.

2.1.1 - February 14, 2015

  • New Method introduced for exporting and importing of settings.
  • New Feature added: Hide Color picker from user profile.
  • Option to enable/disable white label emails.
  • CSS correction for menu spacing issue in smaller screens.

2.1 - December 05, 2014

  • New Feature added: Pre-made color themes.
  • New Feature added: RTL Compatibility.
  • New Feature added: Flat/Default design option.
  • Improved css for login and admin pages.

2.0.5 - October 30, 2014

  • Image browse button added for Global customization in multi-site installation.
  • Fixed bug: disbaled inputs in menu customization with FireFox browser.
  • Improved css for password reset page.

2.0.4 - October 12, 2014

  • New Feature added: Set Privilege users who can access to all admin menu items.
  • Improved css for login page.

2.0.3 - October 01, 2014

  • Fixed bug in the white labelled emails.

2.0.2 - September 19, 2014

  • White label emails
  • Enable/Disable automatic background updates
  • Show/Hide adminbar in frontend feature added
  • Adminbar height changed to default height.

2.0.1 - August 25, 2014

  • Updated Font Awesome icons to 4.1.0

2.0 - August 20, 2014

  • Added feature to customize admin menu items, its Labels and its icons.
  • Added feature to customize admin sub menu items and labels.
  • Added facilty to show limited set of menu items only to non-admin users.
  • Improved css for login page.
  • Added more features to customize the WordPress login page.